Conference about the project “Technology and ICT – Cherchez la femme!“

On September 30, 2014, at Regional office of Pilsen region was held a conference about new project “Technology and ICT – Cherchez la Femme!”, which is funded from Norwegian funds. Recipient of grant is Academy of Chamber of Commerce of the Pilsen Region and partners of the project are Chember of Commerce of the Pilsen Region, Techmania Science Center and University of West Bohemia.

The main objective of project is reduction of gender segregation in the education at Pilsen Region and increasing of interest about the study of technical and ICT fields for girls in cooperation with elementary school, secondary school and secondary vocational school, ZČU in Pilsen, Techmania Science Center, significant employers in the region, City of Pilsen and Pilsen Region.

Mgr. Radka Trylčová, director of Academy of Chamber of Commerce of the Pilsen Region, introduced the project at the beginning. Professional coordinator of the project closer introduced the project and described individual activities of the project. These activities are for example excursions to companies, discussion at primary school and grammer school, workshops and other. The target group are girls in 7th ,8th and 9th . class of primary school and girls in 3rd  and 4th class of grammer school. Project will be realized till April 30, 2016.

More information about the project, you can find here:

The conference was attended by deputy of General Secretary of association Technological Initiative Pilsen (hereinafter TIP, Members of association find the project as beneficial for a support of technical education, which is the one of the basic topic of this association.

Hereby Association TIP express support for this project and TIP is opened for the possibility of cooperation within the project.

For association TIP

Pavel Peták

Deputy General Secretary

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