Associated partners

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni: Nové technologie – výzkumné centrum

  • Logo_NTCNTC is an institution which is engaged in applied research and development and technology transfer in the fields of new special materials and measuring their attributes, development of laser technology in materials engineering, computer modeling, biomechanics and bioengineering.
  • Seat: Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Plzeň

Grammer CZ Servicecenter s.r.o.

  • Grammer SC CZ specializes in the testing and development of components and systems for the cars interior. Grammer SC CZ also deliver specialised services to the custommers and members of the group GRAMMER.
  • Seat: Okružní 2042, 347 01 Tachov


  • logo_comtesCOMTES FHT vision is to be a leading organization in West Bohemia, carrying out research and development in the area of metallic materials and implementing new technologies of metal forming and heat treatment in mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and power engineering.
  • Seat: Průmyslová 995, 33441 Dobřany

“TEO” – Sdružení pro rozvoj technického odborného vzdělávání a rozvoj lidských zdrojů v regionu Tachov

  • TEO_logoAssociation of companies and institutios, which primarily engaged in: support to technical education, provision of employment opportunities in the region, promoting educational activities for schools and other professional education.
  • Seat: Světce 1, Centrum najdete odborné pripravy, Tachov

 IHK Regensburg

  • IHKIHK Regensburg is a public institution. Members this company are all the companies from the Oberpfalz – Kelheim.
  • Krajský úřad: Teslova 3, Plzeň

Česko-Německá obchodní průmyslová komora

  • AHKCzech-German chamber of commerce is a part of worldwide network of bilateral foreign chambers of commerce support economic cooperation between the Czech Republic and Germany.
  • Seat: Václavské náměstí 40, Praha 1

SIT port

  • A project under the Information Technology Administration of the City of Pilsen. SIT port is a project focusing on the development of the business and technology community in Pilsen.
  • Seat: Cukrovarská 20, Plzeň