The first meeting of the top management of firms which play a leading role in the technology sector in the Pilsen region took place at 12:00pm on Sept. 30, 2011 in the Pilsen restaurant Golden Fisch, and was organised by Pavel Duchek. The CEO or CFO of Driessen Aerospace CZ s.r.o., MBtech Bohemia s.r.o., EvoBus Bohemia, s.r.o., ZF Engineering Plzeň s.r.o., SWA s.r.o., MECAS ESI s.r.o., GOLDRATT CZ, s.r.o., and Blue Projects Agency, s.r.o. all participated in this meeting.
The concept of a Business Cluster, a geographic concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions in a particular field was presented at the meeting. Clusters are thought to increase the productivity with which companies can compete, nationally and globally. Clusters are also very important aspects of strategic management.
All participants discussed the idea of cooperating in R&D, as well as resource and capacity sharing. The idea of gradually and mutually presenting factories and offices to other participants was also discussed. The working name of the group was approved: TIP – Technological Initiative Pilsen.